
life lately.

Hi all,

This blog post is coming to you from a place of peace. After what has easily been the most chaotic, awful, and heartbreaking couple of months of my life so far, I can finally say that things are looking up and the dust is finally settling. 

As most of you know, I lost my Grandma last month. This is the first time in my life that I've dealt with the loss of someone I was so close to. It shook me in a way that I wasn't prepared for (I can't imagine anyone is ever prepared for something like that) and I've had a hard time readjusting. I feel that there are moments in life that redefine who we are and losing my Grandma has been one of those moments for me.

Now that I've found some peace with everything that has happened, I've really enjoyed diving back into wedding plans and projects. It definitely keeps me busy. :) I thought I would be really stressed out at this point in the planning process but I'm not stressed out at all. Honestly, I'm just ready to say "I do" to the most amazing guy I know and be surrounded by all of our friends and family that will be there to celebrate with us. It's just going to be such a special weekend! I know that my Grandma will be right there cheering us on with the biggest smile on her face.

The hardest wedding decision for us to make so far has been choosing a song for our first dance. Just when we think we've got it figured out, we find five more songs that we like. Oy vey. I guess we are just trying to find a song that is both original and meaningful without being super cheesy. Maybe we will just rock out to Kesha for our first dance. I mean, Timber is my theme song ...

We also need to figure out where we are going on our honeymoon. We are seriously considering a California coast road trip, but since we aren't going on our honeymoon until May, we don't know for sure. If you have any recommendations, please feel free to share them with me!
trial run for wedding hair + makeup - both done by the amazing Colie Hall.

Anyway, thank you for sitting through this little update. :)
I hope Monday is treating you well.


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