
no more meat.

Joel and I have recently made the decision to completely cut out meat from our diet. It still feels weird to say we are "vegetarians", but I guess that's what you would call us! Many factors contributed to this decision - our health, the environment, and no longer wanting to contribute to animal cruelty. Plus, eating meat has just been grossing me out lately. 

Cooking veggie style has been surprisingly easy, the only difficult part is making sure to mix it up so we aren't just eating salads all the time. So far so good, though. We have had some super delicious dinners and lunches lately! I really don't miss meat at all. 

 black bean veggie burger with sweet potato fries
 quinoa and black bean stuffed peppers - mexican style!
 whole wheat veggie pizza - amazing!
quinoa and black bean taco bowl

If you have any recipes that you would like to share, please do! 