
finally feeling better.

Well, I'm back. Apparently the excitement of getting engaged and being in New York last week was a little too much for me! I have been fighting a nasty cold the last few days, but I am finally feeling better. Phew!
Since I know the cold/flu is in full swing right now, I thought I would share with you my go-to sick remedies that keep symptoms minimal and help me feel better faster.

+Water: When you're sick you should be drinking water like it's going out of style. Staying hydrated helps your body fight off all of the nasty intruders that are making you sick.
+Tea: Durr. Tea is a miracle drink when you're not feeling good. I also love a little Sleepytime Extra tea before I go to bed when I'm under the weather. 
+Vitamins: I take a vitamin supplement every day, but when you're sick it's even more important than usual. However, do not load up on vitamin C supplements only when you're sick. It will actually prolong your cold by a day or two. 
+Avoid chemicals: I know way too many people who love to pop a few pills or chug some nasty fluid when they aren't feeling good. If you fall into that category, knock it off. These medicines do not cure your cold (nothing does), they simply mask the symptoms and slow down the recovery process. Your body can't fight off whatever is making you sick to the best of it's ability when you take medicine. I know having a runny nose and sore throat isn't fun, but let your body take care of it naturally. You'll be back to normal a whole lot faster. Okay? Okay!
+Wash your hands: A lot. When I'm sick I'm always washing my hands. Especially if you live with others, this will keep them from getting sick. Oh and on that same note, don't go to the gym and snot all over the place, don't go to work (if you can avoid it) and snot all over the place. Just stay home.
+Relax: There is no need to be a sick super hero. Stop, lay down, and relax/sleep. 
+Avoid alcohol: I've made this mistake way too many times. Drinking alcohol will only make you feel worse. Trust me.
+Shower: Don't be a gross sickly who starts to stink up the place. Get off the couch for 15 minutes and shower. The heat from the shower will drain mucous and the steam from the shower will soothe your sore throat.
+Eat clean: This is something you should do all the time. However, if you are someone who doesn't eat all that clean regularly, try and eat clean(er) when you're sick. Use food as fuel to feel better. 
+Let/make your better half do everything: :) No explanation needed. 

Hope these tips help. If you're sick, I hope you start feeling better.
If you're not sick, consider yourself lucky!

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